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Kansai University to ban military research projects

OSAKA -- Kansai University decided on Dec. 7 to ban its researchers from applying to "the defense technology research promotion system," in which the Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Agency finances research projects that can be applicable to defense equipment.

Kansai University researchers will also be banned from taking part in projects applied to the subsidy system by researchers at other universities as collaborators. In addition, the university will not cooperate in any research sponsored by domestic or foreign government bodies overseeing military affairs or private companies' research projects aimed at military use.

Kansai University has debated the matter since an instructor at the university applied to the agency's subsidy system last school year. The university explained that the decision was in line with its research ethics policy that the institution would not get involved in research projects that go against basic human rights or peace and the welfare of humanity.

University President Keiji Shibai said, "Some voiced concern that such a ban would suppress research opportunities, but we need to make our stance clear as a university."

The Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Agency's defense technology research promotion system was launched in fiscal 2015 to advance dual research that can be used for both military and civilian purposes and to strengthen bases for Japan's defense technology. However, many researchers have expressed hesitation about moving closer to military research, and universities across the country are considering policies regarding the subsidy system. In October last year, Niigata University stated in its code of conduct for researchers that they will not conduct research aimed to contribute to military purposes.

Meanwhile, the Science Council of Japan, an organization representing scientists in Japan, is continuing the debate on the pros and cons of receiving funds from the Defense Ministry and other related issues.

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