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Gov't to keep same Okinawa promotion budget amid base relocation conflict

U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma is seen surrounded by the city of Ginowan, Okinawa Prefecture, on Sep. 16, 2018. (Mainichi/Michiko Morizono)

TOKYO -- The government is set to maintain the same 300 billion yen-plus budget for the promotion of Okinawa Prefecture in its budget draft for fiscal 2019, out of consideration for a backlash from local residents as work to relocate a U.S. Marine base within the southernmost prefecture shifts into full gear.

While the national budget outlays for Okinawa's promotion were on a downward trend when the late former Gov. Takeshi Onaga was in office, the central government apparently avoided drastically cutting back on the amount to show consideration to local sentiment against the relocation of U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma in Ginowan to the Henoko district of the city of Nago.

After Denny Tamaki took office in October to succeed Onaga, intensive deliberations were held between the Okinawa Prefectural Government and the central government over the base transfer issue, but the two sides failed to find common ground over the issue. The central government has notified the Okinawa government that it will start pouring soil and sand into the sea off Henoko on Dec. 14, in defiance of the Okinawa government's protest and further fueling the confrontation.

Meanwhile, the Okinawa Prefectural Government had demanded that 319 billion yen be secured for the promotional budget for fiscal 2019. The amount, which is 18 billion yen more than the budget for the current fiscal year at 301 billion yen, was specified in the central government's annual budget request this summer. However, the central government is set to reject Okinawa's demand on the grounds that there is no reason to drastically raise the amount, according to those close to the government.

The administration of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, meanwhile, wants to avoid further offending local residents ahead of the House of Councillors election next year, in which the ruling Liberal Democratic Party aims to regain seats in the Okinawa constituency.

As the central government has indicated a plan to secure an annual 300 billion yen-plus budget for Okinawa's promotion between fiscal 2014 through 2021, a senior administration official said, "We will stick to the 300 billion yen line even if the governor changes."

The budget for Okinawa's promotion rose to 350.1 billion yen in fiscal 2014 when Gov. Hirokazu Nakaima was in office. However, when anti-relocation Onaga took over the governorship in December 2014, the national government slashed the budget to 334 billion yen in fiscal 2015 and further cut back on the amount in fiscal 2017 and 2018.

(Japanese original by Kazumasa Kawabe, Political News Department)

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