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Protesters rally in front of PM office, Diet calling for end to nuclear power

Demonstrators in front of the prime minister's office in Tokyo's Chiyoda Ward offer a silent prayer to those who died in the March 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami, on March 11, 2016. (Mainichi)

Protestors staged demonstrations in front of the prime minister's office and the Diet in Tokyo on March 11, calling for the elimination of nuclear power.

    Demonstrators chanted slogans including, "Don't restart nuclear reactors," and, "Protect Fukushima." Some 6,000 people participated in the demonstrations, according to the organizer, the Metropolitan Coalition against Nukes.

    Psychiatrist Rika Kayama said during a rally in front of the National Diet Building, "I'd like to join hands with you in blocking reactivation of nuclear plants across the country."

    Takeshi Suwahara, a key member of the Students Emergency Action for Liberal Democracy (SEALDs), said, "I don't want to rely on a power generation method that could cost people their lives and livelihoods."

    Toshima Ward, Tokyo resident Akira Suzuki, 66, stated Japan "should switch to natural, renewable energy sources since we've learned lessons from the Fukushima (nuclear) accident."

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